Learn how a woman got rid of menstrual cramps with a change in diet

Nivea Mullings
Nivea Mullings. Photo: Instagram @boundlesssoul77

Nivea Mullings is a 27-year-old freelance writer living in the Bronx, New York (USA), where she was born and raised. She shared how she got rid of menstrual cramps with a change in diet. Read her story below!

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“My menstrual periods have always been terrible – starting with my first at 12 years old. I suffered from fatigue, bloating, and irritability. And the worst of all were the abdominal cramps. It felt like someone was passing a hot knife through my abdomen. I couldn’t believe that what I was going through could be a normal part of ‘becoming a woman’.

From adolescence to my early twenties, I tried to deal with the pain only using over-the-counter pain relievers. They helped at times, but in other months, they made no difference. I also always sought medical help for answers. Not even a transvaginal ultrasound found the cause of my pain.

Because of this, I even struggled with depression, which always worsened during my cycle to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed for days. I missed classes in college and later even got fired from my job. In short, my menstrual symptoms were taking over my life.

That’s when I saw a poster in my gynecologist’s clinic about anti-inflammatory foods. It’s believed that a diet with these ingredients can contribute to health, and there’s evidence that following an anti-inflammatory plan helps alleviate chronic pain according to the Cleveland Clinic.

So, after much research, I decided to become vegan. Plants have anti-inflammatory properties, so I hoped this diet would be the solution I was waiting for.

Before adopting this diet, I barely had energy to go to work and classes before and during my menstruation. Even less for exercising. Today, I run, do yoga, dance, and weight train throughout the month. I have much more energy and feel like a new person. All thanks to the changes I made in my menu.

Learn how a woman got rid of menstrual cramps with a change in diet

“Some months are better than others”

It’s been over a year and a half since I became vegan. I try to mainly opt for whole foods, but of course, I still enjoy fries, vegan cheeseburgers, and other treats from time to time.

However, when I eat more processed foods than usual, I have cramps and worse menstrual symptoms. Still, it’s not as bad as it was before changing my diet.

During the nearly 14 years that I struggled with menstrual cramps, I almost convinced myself that there was no solution to my problem. I never imagined being free as I am today, without enduring a week of suffering every month. My life has truly been transformed for the better!

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